Tuesday, December 6, 2016

It's been a bit of time since I've posted about how I came to be where I am.
So, lets play a game of "actual true facts about Kim".

Some people may think that I've been a southern girl my whole life. Honestly,  I've only lived in the south for less than 20 years give or take. I was actually born in Neptune, New Jersey. Yes folks I'm a born yankee,  and try not to hate me for it. To be honest,  with all the moving I have done in my life, I've never considered myself to any one region.

Age 2 to about 8.  Mom and I lived in Florida, she met Jim (Dad) and then we lived in Birmingham, Washington State. Right around 6th grade we all moved back to Florida,  where I lived for the most part in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I didn't leave Florida till I was about 34 years of age, to come live in Franklin,  North Carolina. A big chunk of my family was here so that was part of my reasoning for coming here. Between the time of then to now, I did live for about 4 years in Indiana, and I only lived in Birmingham Alabama for 3 years. As much as I would have loved to have seen my friend in Mobile AL, I never did get a chance to visit her town, like ever. Learned the hard way that you need to make time for family and friends when you can, cause you may miss the chance. Now I currently live in Valdese, NC where I love. It's close to stores, events, dancing, car shows and I'm still close enough to see my family in Franklin when I want.

I've gotten most of my schooling in Florida where I attended middle and high school (Go SHS Dragons). As a single mom, I worked, raised my son and still got an Associate in Science Degree in Communication Arts. All three of my children were born in Florida and raised in the warm Florida sunshine. The reasoning for my move to NC was to give my children a safer and cleaner life. Gangs, drugs, and violence were escalating every year. I gave up my career and the life I knew to make a better life for my children.

I've always worked hard, there were times that I've gone without eating so my kids could get a full meal. I saved every penny and continued to work as much as I could. The first few years in NC where hard, we lived in a small mobile home. I had just enough to pay for it out right, it wasn't pretty, but I knew we would always have a roof over our heads. I used part of my tax returns to up date it and make it pretty decent home. As kids moved out and/or went to school I tried to find my way in Alabama. I met some awesome people, but it really was not the place for me.

Here I am in Valdese,  NC and I'm happier than I've ever been. For a time I lived in a "very affordable" apartment. It wasn't the greatest, but it was nice and enabled me to live on my own. Also it enabled me to afford my first nice car, a PT Cruiser. I had mentioned to my boyfriend that I was looking for a car and he had found that one. I'm not fond of hand outs, so I don't personally accept them, so I make sure I pay for everything that I own. Plus my niece had been renting my house in Franklin, so that also helps out too. Currently I now own another house,  here in my home of Valdese. It's a fixer upper, but I like doing stuff like that. 

My niece and her husband's van had blown the engine and they had lost their only vehicle. Having two children, my great nephew & great niece, whom I love I wanted to make sure they had a reliable car. I remembered that my boyfriend was thinking of selling his Reatta, so asked how much he was interested in getting it for. It was a fair and affordable, so I sold my PT Cruiser to my niece. I paid in advance for the car and for all the parts to repair it. 

Write your story and leave a link, it's fun to get to know new people and how their live has come to be.

P.S. Michael Bassett for President

Friday, September 30, 2016

Birthdays - I am so very blessed

 This week was my birthday, and last week was my Mom's birthday. Like we try to do every year we spent the week between our birthdays together.We pretty much chilled at her home and did some thrift store shopping. Just spending time with her has always been a great joy in my life. I see way too many people not appreciate the ability of time with family. I never want to be one of those people that say "I wish I had, or I wish I said". My mom has always been a huge part of my life and I always want her to know how much I love and appreciate her everyday. <steps of soap box>

Any-who, we had an awesome dinner and of course some cake and ice cream. She loved the shirts and Tervis cup that I had gotten her. She had gotten me a Keurig Coffee maker. It's red, my favorite kitchen color and my son had gotten me a Keurig Cup with filters. I really love it and have already picked up the craft that can go with it.

I was so lucky to have the day off from my birthday. I did such constructive things around the house like binge watch Once Upon A Time. Cried on about every episode. Why is a show about fairy tails have so many sad ends all the time LOL. Played with my new kitten and hung out with the dogs. Yep I was so busy getting very important things done lol. Facebook... lets not forget Facebook ~.^

My awesome boyfriend, who had to work that day, messaged me and let me pick dinner for that night. I've always loved eating outside, when it's nice out of course, so I picked Friday Friends. However we ended up a Judges Restaurant. He just knows how I love to try new places, so he suggested somewhere I haven't eaten. He came over bearing gifts and to pick me up for dinner. Not just some random gift that he felt he needed to by, but thoughtful gifts. He knows how much I love copper for my kitchen and the inscription on my new coffee cup was perfect. Inside my card said "Have the kind of birthday that embarrasses your kids." He was tells me that he was trying to find a tree frog bag to hold my stuff, but couldn't. He remembers that I love tree frogs. After so many years of feeling so unimportant, it is so over whelming to feel like I was the most important person that night. To have someone think so highly of you to make sure your birthday was the best day ever. I don't think he even realized how much his thoughtfulness made this the best birthday that I have ever had. Also, he had them sing to me at the restaurant, I've never had waitresses sign for me before, it was awesome.

Monday, September 5, 2016

My Birthday, My Life, My future

This month I'm turning 49. I know, I know, I'm not supposed to say your age. I've never feared getting older. I think my biggest fear was just getting older without someone by my side. I've never cared for the feeling of not knowing if I was on the right path, or with the right person. Always thinking that if I wasn't married that my life for some reason is incomplete.

In just a little over a year, there has been so many changes happening. I walked away from a life that I thought I wanted and found out that the life I wanted was two states away. The main reason for moving back to NC was to find out who I was, and where I needed to be. As much as I loved the person that I was with, I didn't like the person I was with him. So as much as it hurt to leave I left in order to find a better me. As it turns out we both are better people for it and now we are probably better friends then we ever where. Our experiences have shown each other of who we are and I am thankful that our friendship getting better as time moves on.

Since my move, I've joined a shag dance club, took up wine tasting, and started doing more thing that made me happy. I set goals for my life in gaming, relationships, and family. I've cut down on gaming and started focusing on making friends. I've met someone awesome that I share common interest and corks with. At the same time we respect each others differences too. Plus I'm working on spending more time with family, now that I'm closer to them. I'm learning that being satisfied in myself is what I was lacking in my old life. I had the illusion that it was up to someone else to make me happy. Lets not forget the fact that I've bought myself a new home. I've found that I get great happiness from working on making this house into the home that I've always wanted.

Looking back at my life I know that the path I needed to take to find my boyfriend was a necessary one. All my past experiences have shown me how lucky I am to have him in my life. I thank God everyday for finding someone who thinks bow ties are cool too. He cares for his family, works on cars, and saves turtles from the side of the road. What more can someone want from a love. Plus he knows how much mike to put in my cereal and how to make my coffee <3

As I'm getting older, I still have a wanting to grow old with someone. However it's gone from "OMG - I need to have this now" to "I look forward to when the time is right to be with my forever love". Knowing that no matter what happens in the future everything will happen for the best. That right there folks has got the be the most peaceful feeling that I've ever had.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

First Room Redecorating

More and more things keeps getting better.

I finally feel like I'm making real progress on my first room re-decoration. All the walls & ceilings had to be patched & joint compounded with 3 layers. I may have inhaled about 3 pounds of dust from everything. After all that, I primer everything with Killz oil base. Wasn't too sure about how old the paint was, so I'm not taking any chances with it being lead base.

Now most people would just have been happy with painting the walls, ceiling, trim and moved on with life. Well... I did paint the ceiling and trim white. I painted the walls a very pale blue, & then went over the baseboards and door trim with bright white enamel paint. This helps with keeping clean, plus it seems to give it fresher look.

On one wall that had a cut out I painted in a box and added shelves to hold my son's things. Plus there is plenty of room for his dog's kennel at the bottom. On another wall I decided to paint strips. Just because I thought that it would be an added point of interest. It's nothing too fancy, but just a step above boring.

Now that is left is the new windows, that should be coming in next week and finish adding in the pictures, new futon, floor rug and curtains Later down the road all the hardwood floors will have to be refurbished. But, that is a project for a later time.

As my first project is getting closer to being completed, I'm finding out how much I've missed being a home owner. For way too long I've been throwing away my money paying rent. When in the end there is nothing to show for it. No way to get any of your hard earned money back. It finally feels good to invest my time, money, and energy into something that will in the long run pay off. Even if for some reason I never sell, then the work I do here will be mine for as long as keep it.

I've had such a huge out pore of support from my friends, family and loved ones. They really have encouraged me to let me know how well my work was. There where times I would be discouraged, but someone was always there telling me how great I was doing. All of that meant so much and I love how no matter how far I am from my friends and family, they always seem to be right next to me.

Also... this is Leo. My awesome boyfriend saved him from the highway off ramp. I know you are suppose to just take him across the street, but the traffic was too much. Luckily I have a forest behind my house. Lets all wish Leo the best of luck on  his new ventures in the woods. I may never see him again, but I will remember him fondly. Especially that part where he peed on me in the car LMAO

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

You Teach Me - I'll Teach You...

It's been an interesting past few weeks. Been working on my new home. Today will be finishing up the primmer in my son's room. Hopefully going to start the ceiling and walls tomorrow. I've started the patch work in the guest room. Found out that I have to replace some of the dry wall due to water damage. I'm pretty sure it's from and old leak and from the window. Good thing the windows will be replaced hopefully soon.

My stress levels have also been an all time high. Between politics, starting a new game (Pokemon GO) and trying to keep up a friendship that seems to be one sided. I've been more then my fair share of feeling stressed.

Twice in the past week I've been blocked, which as far as I know is very strange for me. The first was a long time friend of the family. He apparently didn't like facts being presented to dispute his stand on politics. I was a bit shocked, but realized that if someone can handle the truth, then maybe they need to stay away from people who will always be truthful.

My second block was by my ex's girlfriend. Over the past year he and I have been trying very hard to work on getting back to our original friendship. Before the mistake of dating, yes dating a friend will almost always be a mistake, we where best of friends. He and I have done everything to try to make this transition easy for the new people in our lives. I've explained very early to my boyfriend that my friendship with my ex was important. To loose what we had before would be a crying shame. I'm very lucky to have an understanding love. Hasn't been so easy on the other side.

I'm not sure she understands that in no way I'm a threat and would just like to have my old friend back the way it was. She is younger, prettier, probably smarter, and seems to be a way better gamer. She makes him happier then he ever was with me. She has a great family and has given more then I ever could. I just wish that she didn't hate me, just because I happen to be an ex in his life. I would understand if I was a horrible person, but I'm not. If I have offended her, then I apologize, but it would be best to talk rather then just choose to not like someone, or shut the door on them without even giving a person a chance.

As for my new game, Pokemon GO, it's is awesome. I don't recommend it for young ones, unless as parents you are willing to supervise. It's given my son and I a chance to walk and talk and bond as we hang out catching pokemon LOL. As most of you know, lots of stupid people out getting themselves killed over it. It's a game, don't play and drive, don't walk into traffic and please for the love of God keep and eye open for you surroundings. Outside of the warning, it's a great way to meet fellow trainers, get some walking done, and pull yourselves out of the house. I can't wait till the update, when we can start trading, and battling one on one. Looking forward to meeting new people and have more fun with my son.

The round up - Life is way to busy, entertaining and too short to not get along with people. As part of the human race, it's important that we support each other and stand up for one another. No matter who wins the election, who dislikes you, or what you chose to occupy your time. Do it to best that you can be and do it with honor.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Your Opinions Can Be Hateful

According to this great country we have the right to free speech. We have a right to our opinion and the right to express it. However morally how far can one go, knowing that it's hurtful and mean spirited.

My mom raised me with the good values of not to say something if it could cause someone pain. Many times in my life I've bit my tongue. I thought to myself.... boy, that is seriously some dumb shit. However it's not hurting anyone, and they seem to enjoy it. Things like putting and dog nose and tongue on your pretty face is annoying. Personally I think some of those pictures make people look demonic. Not funny, not silly, just plain stupid. Shoving you religious and political views down my throat every time I turn around. Shoving your life style in my face simply cause everyone needs to know how repressed you where like 100 years ago. Get over yourselves....everyone.

I guess due to the fact that I've talked with such a wide diversity of people from playing my game World of Warcraft that I've learn that expressing my feelings should not over step someone feelings. Thanks to something as silly as a game, I've met people from all over the country. I've talked with people from all over the world. A good chunk of them have landed right on my facebook friends list. Some of them are Christians, Atheist, Wiccans, Witnesses. There are Blacks, Whites, Asians, and some Indian. I have to say I have all the colors of the rainbow.... segue into...Gays, Straight, Bi, and I've pretty sure someone somewhere could be a Transgender.

Now obviously I may not share the same values, opinions, and thoughts as ALL of my friends. I however value All of there feelings. Sure we may post different memes about different political platforms, or weather Chevy is better then Ford. Lately it seems that people have this need now to express there dislike of a new game. It seems that because there are people who can't play the game smart, the rest of us have to suffer under ridicule from others. Or because parents are too busy being into themselves that they can't take the time to monitor their children.

I personally think that expressing so much hate is such a mean selfish thing to do. Maybe their inner child has died and they feel the need to kill off everyone else. To make people feel belittled cause they choose to play a game is just mean. Just because you say it's not hateful, doesn't mean that it's not. It pretty much just being a bully to go around making fun of people cause they are having fun. How would people feel if I made fun of them cause they enjoy kissing in public and posting pics about it. If I walked about saying that your hobbies and life style where stupid. How about I make fun of people to post about feeling ugly and how they need to find an other half. Maybe I should pick on people who post about distorting their face to look demonic. Maybe I should insult the people in my life who hold different values as me, simply cause it's my right to do so.

We have many rights... but honestly do we have the right to hurt others just to get a point across.

Your Opinions Can Be Hateful

According to this great country we have the right to free speech. We have a right to our opinion and the right to express it. However morally how far can one go, knowing that it's hurtful and mean spirited.

My mom raised me with the good values of not to say something if it could cause someone pain. Many times in my life I've bit my tongue. I thought to myself.... boy, that is seriously some dumb shit. However it's not hurting anyone, and they seem to enjoy it. Things like putting and dog nose and tongue on your pretty face is annoying. Personally I think some of those pictures make people look demonic. Not funny, not silly, just plain stupid. Shoving you religious and political views down my throat every time I turn around. Shoving your life style in my face simply cause everyone needs to know how repressed you where like 100 years ago. Get over yourselves....everyone.

I guess due to the fact that I've talked with such a wide diversity of people from playing my game World of Warcraft that I've learn that expressing my feelings should not over step someone feelings. Thanks to something as silly as a game, I've met people from all over the country. I've talked with people from all over the world. A good chunk of them have landed right on my facebook friends list. Some of them are Christians, Atheist, Wiccans, Witnesses. There are Blacks, Whites, Asians, and some Indian. I have to say I have all the colors of the rainbow.... segue into...Gays, Straight, Bi, and I've pretty sure someone somewhere could be a Transgender.

Now obviously I may not share the same values, opinions, and thoughts as ALL of my friends. I however value All of there feelings. Sure we may post different memes about different political platforms, or weather Chevy is better then Ford. Lately it seems that people have this need now to express there dislike of a new game. It seems that because there are people who can't play the game smart, the rest of us have to suffer under ridicule from others. Or because parents are too busy being into themselves that they can't take the time to monitor their children.

I personally think that expressing so much hate is such a mean selfish thing to do. Maybe their inner child has died and they feel the need to kill off everyone else. To make people feel belittled cause they choose to play a game is just mean. Just because you say it's not hateful, doesn't mean that it's not. It pretty much just being a bully to go around making fun of people cause they are having fun. How would people feel if I made fun of them cause they enjoy kissing in public and posting pics about it. If I walked about saying that your hobbies and life style where stupid. How about I make fun of people to post about feeling ugly and how they need to find an other half. Maybe I should pick on people who post about distorting their face to look demonic. Maybe I should insult the people in my life who hold different values as me, simply cause it's my right to do so.

We have many rights... but honestly do we have the right to hurt others just to get a point across.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

House repairs, Decorating and Skunks

What to say... I've completely moved into my new house. I wont lie, it's a big work in progress. If I can give any kind of advice, get the home warranty. On that note my AC has gone out. I've had the guys out and it's about 340.00 to replace the blower motor. Thanks to the home warranty, I'm paying 75.00.

I've gotten the paperwork signed and ready to start putting up my new fencing for the yard. It will be a great place for my son's & my dog to play. Plus when my family comes up, there kids will have a safe place too.After all, it's people that truly make a house a home. I look forward to finally having a place where my friends & family can come and relax.

Also on the to-do list is my windows getting replaces. I finally got a quote that I can work with, and they are starting the paperwork on it this morning. That should be a huge cut in electric, not mention raising the value of the home. So as it stands, all 3 majors projects are getting taken care of. It feels so good to watch your dreams come true and blossom right in front of you.

Now working patching up the walls and getting them ready to be painted. Not sure what the last contractors where thinking, but there are so many visual problems. Cracks in the walls, places where the ceiling was not tacked up right and so places completely missing paint. This week I've started patching up holes and cracks on the walls that do not have windows. No point on the window walls, they will be getting replaced soon enough. Feels good, getting my hands into the work and showing some love to this old house. I can't wait to see how it all works out.

     Mushy Boyfriend Note <3 <3 <3    

A few weeks ago and small family of skunks moved into his yard. Sadly the mommy had gotten hit by a car. However the little ones (3 of them) are old enough to find food in the yard. Ideally having skunks around the house is not optimal. You never know, if you scare or walk up on them. That is not a smell you want to experience. If you know anything about me, it's that I do love animals...even the stinky ones. So I've been loving seeing the little ones (from a distance) walking about and doing there thing.

Last night one of the neighbors came over with a 22 rifle. Wanted to know if he can kill the babies on his property. I knew that he didn't want them there, I know that there's a chance of running into them and scaring them. As I stood there with tears welling in my eyes he told him that he can't kill them on his property. Still worried that they may be killed, my boyfriend agreed to let me feed them in hope that they will not wonder off the property.

As much as he does not want them on his property, he loves me enough to stand for me and help me with my love of animals. He has truly shown me how much he cares and respects my opinion and my feelings. I now know that he is the only man that I could ever love and spend the rest of my life with.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

My new home

It's been a bit crazy.... I've gotten my new home, and all my stuff is moved in. Electric, water, and internet is all set up. The next is to get garbage pick-up set up. Turns out that I'm just outside the city limits, so I have to my own garbage taken care of.

Mommy of course came up to help me. We got movers for the last little bit that was too heavy to move on our own. They where awesome and a pleasure to work with. She even helped with getting most of the cleaning done in the old apartment. I can never measure how much my mother has always been there for me. Some say that kids are a gift from God, but my mommy is the gift for me <3

Hoping in about 3-4 weeks I will have a fenced in yard for the dogs to play in. After consideration, I
had decided to go with a 100ft of fencing for the dogs. They will love being about to run and not have to be tired up. I'm going to have two gates put on, so I can get to the rest of my backyard and to the front. This will be best for cutting grass and entertaining friends. Should be getting a quote on new windows tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see how everything looks with new windows. Not to mention the savings on the electric >.<

I've gotten most of the boxes unpacked and working on getting the art on the walls. Turns out that I was off for about 4 days this week. Making all the work that needed to be done fast and easy. There is still plenty of work to be done, but at least most of the bulk work is done.

I just can't express enough, how much I'm looking forward to making this home all me. Living in apartments just didn't give me the outlet that I love for decorating. Sure I've hung pics, and nick-naks, and put pillows on the couch. But, there is nothing like picking out paint, counter tops, working in a garden and knowing that everything is yours to control. Sure it's a lot of work, but so worth it in the long run. Knowing that the money I spend isn't just going to some leasing office. It's now an investment to my future. One day I may sell and everything I've worked on will be reward back to me. Until then, it's a labor of love <3

Saturday, June 4, 2016

A New Home

Jess and me Easter 2016
Life has been so crazy for me. One minute everything is falling apart and the next, everything is falling into place.

As some may know, my niece was in a horrific car accent. By the grace of God the kids when never hurt. She has it rough, but at the moment she seems for be fine. However earlier this week there is talk of brain surgery that she may need. Her head aches are not getting better and she is still in a lot of pain. Our family and friends are awesome. Everyone has stepped up and helped. Weather is was watching the kids, or donating money for her lost glasses and medical bills. I have truly been blessed to see Gods work in her protection and in the hearts that hold her dear.
Michell at the carnival 2016

My niece's daughter came into town with my mom, and we spent time at the carnival. So much fun watching the people and her having a grand time. All the lights and excitement. It was very awesome to spend time with her as well as my mother. I had to work most of the time, but even the small amount that I got with them was worth it.

For months now, I've had to drive my son to work and most of the time, drive him back home. Finally last week, we saved up enough to get him his own transportation. Picked him up a 87 Mazda B2000. It does need work, but it is so nice to not get up at the crack of dawn. Especially when I don't have to be at work or I happen to be working closing that day. The need for sleep can be very underestimated LOL.

Finally, it is coming to the wire. I could be closing on my new home maybe as early as two weeks. We have just had it inspected and are waiting to hear from the sellers as to weather they are willing to drop some cost in order to fix the windows. I was able to get into the house yesterday to get some measurements. I have many plans or decorating, and building that are flying in my head. I want to fence in the back yard so my dogs can play safely. Update the look of the home and pull it out of the 50's era. This isn't just so that I like it, but also for resale value. 
One of the things I enjoy doing is decorating, and remodeling. The room that I've picked as for my bedroom doesn't have a built in closet. Trust me when I say I am so looking forward to building my own. However I have found out the working on blue prints is not easy when lazy kitties want to be in your spot.

For the personal note... I had always thought that being married is the only way to happiness. Either cause I was  scared of growing old alone. Maybe it was cause I thought that if he married me, it would finally mean he really cared for me. And of course, all my friends are getting married. Truth be told, you can never force someone to care that much for you. If you happen to get an unwilling spouse, then it will never end well in the long or short run of it. I am finally realizing that I don't need someone to make me feel wanted, or loved. I'm very fortunate to have someone who cares and does love me very much. I'm so very happy that I don't put the pressure on him to prove his love to me. I don't need him to live with me, or marry me, in order for me to know he cares. He does this just by being open and honest with me at all times. If someday we do decide to live or be married, it will be cause we want to. It will be cause we choose to spend our lives together for the right reasons. My friend has told me "you never know what the future holds" as long as I never go back to where and what I was, I will look forward to all the new adventures in my life.