Thursday, June 16, 2016

My new home

It's been a bit crazy.... I've gotten my new home, and all my stuff is moved in. Electric, water, and internet is all set up. The next is to get garbage pick-up set up. Turns out that I'm just outside the city limits, so I have to my own garbage taken care of.

Mommy of course came up to help me. We got movers for the last little bit that was too heavy to move on our own. They where awesome and a pleasure to work with. She even helped with getting most of the cleaning done in the old apartment. I can never measure how much my mother has always been there for me. Some say that kids are a gift from God, but my mommy is the gift for me <3

Hoping in about 3-4 weeks I will have a fenced in yard for the dogs to play in. After consideration, I
had decided to go with a 100ft of fencing for the dogs. They will love being about to run and not have to be tired up. I'm going to have two gates put on, so I can get to the rest of my backyard and to the front. This will be best for cutting grass and entertaining friends. Should be getting a quote on new windows tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see how everything looks with new windows. Not to mention the savings on the electric >.<

I've gotten most of the boxes unpacked and working on getting the art on the walls. Turns out that I was off for about 4 days this week. Making all the work that needed to be done fast and easy. There is still plenty of work to be done, but at least most of the bulk work is done.

I just can't express enough, how much I'm looking forward to making this home all me. Living in apartments just didn't give me the outlet that I love for decorating. Sure I've hung pics, and nick-naks, and put pillows on the couch. But, there is nothing like picking out paint, counter tops, working in a garden and knowing that everything is yours to control. Sure it's a lot of work, but so worth it in the long run. Knowing that the money I spend isn't just going to some leasing office. It's now an investment to my future. One day I may sell and everything I've worked on will be reward back to me. Until then, it's a labor of love <3

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