Thursday, March 17, 2016

Photo's, Gardening, Food and Movies

Some of my Photographs


Lots been happening. I am wanting to get a bit back into photography. So... me and boyfriend went out and I snaped some pics. So much to relearn about taking picture, but I sure did have a blast. We stoped by a place to check about some car work. There was some really awesome cars. Then later that day we went to the Greenway and took a walk. The day was perfect and I got some really great shots. You can see more of my shots on my Photobucket account. This seemed to be the easiest way to get them up in one spot. Of course some will be on my face book. After all if it's not in social media, then it never happened LOL


Start of my Veggie Garden
I've also started a container garden. Just a little one with only 3 vegtables. Garden Beans, Spinach, and Lettus. This is just the start, so there is no telling how well this will work out. Growing veggies is somthing I've always wanted to, but until now I didn't really have the means to do it. Living on my own means not really worrying what anyone else thinks if my ideas are stupid. LOL


Heading out to Moe's

Moe's Southwestern Grill has finally come to our town. I remember when I moved here, how much I would miss going there. Every once awhile, it was nice to have a totally yummy lunch that is completely filling and the atmosphere is awesome. Don't mind me looking absolutely horrible. We had the top down and I'm completely wind blown. All I need now is a Genghis Grill and I think my food life will be set <yummy>


When to go see 10 Cloverfield Lane. How is describe this movie and say what it's about isn't really possible. The only thing I can say is that it gives plot twist a whole new meaning . Go see it, I really loved this movie and hope that they come out with more.

and.... of course seeing the Warcraft Movie poster made me giggle like a school girl. I've only been waiting for 5 years for this movie to come out. I feel like my heart is just gonna burst if June 10th doesn't get here faster.

Over all everything is going pretty good. I've lots to do and even though I can have bad days. I have to say that my goods day way out do them. I'm looking so forward to the future and I feel that I have so many opportunities ahead of me.

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