Tuesday, July 26, 2016

You Teach Me - I'll Teach You...

It's been an interesting past few weeks. Been working on my new home. Today will be finishing up the primmer in my son's room. Hopefully going to start the ceiling and walls tomorrow. I've started the patch work in the guest room. Found out that I have to replace some of the dry wall due to water damage. I'm pretty sure it's from and old leak and from the window. Good thing the windows will be replaced hopefully soon.

My stress levels have also been an all time high. Between politics, starting a new game (Pokemon GO) and trying to keep up a friendship that seems to be one sided. I've been more then my fair share of feeling stressed.

Twice in the past week I've been blocked, which as far as I know is very strange for me. The first was a long time friend of the family. He apparently didn't like facts being presented to dispute his stand on politics. I was a bit shocked, but realized that if someone can handle the truth, then maybe they need to stay away from people who will always be truthful.

My second block was by my ex's girlfriend. Over the past year he and I have been trying very hard to work on getting back to our original friendship. Before the mistake of dating, yes dating a friend will almost always be a mistake, we where best of friends. He and I have done everything to try to make this transition easy for the new people in our lives. I've explained very early to my boyfriend that my friendship with my ex was important. To loose what we had before would be a crying shame. I'm very lucky to have an understanding love. Hasn't been so easy on the other side.

I'm not sure she understands that in no way I'm a threat and would just like to have my old friend back the way it was. She is younger, prettier, probably smarter, and seems to be a way better gamer. She makes him happier then he ever was with me. She has a great family and has given more then I ever could. I just wish that she didn't hate me, just because I happen to be an ex in his life. I would understand if I was a horrible person, but I'm not. If I have offended her, then I apologize, but it would be best to talk rather then just choose to not like someone, or shut the door on them without even giving a person a chance.

As for my new game, Pokemon GO, it's is awesome. I don't recommend it for young ones, unless as parents you are willing to supervise. It's given my son and I a chance to walk and talk and bond as we hang out catching pokemon LOL. As most of you know, lots of stupid people out getting themselves killed over it. It's a game, don't play and drive, don't walk into traffic and please for the love of God keep and eye open for you surroundings. Outside of the warning, it's a great way to meet fellow trainers, get some walking done, and pull yourselves out of the house. I can't wait till the update, when we can start trading, and battling one on one. Looking forward to meeting new people and have more fun with my son.

The round up - Life is way to busy, entertaining and too short to not get along with people. As part of the human race, it's important that we support each other and stand up for one another. No matter who wins the election, who dislikes you, or what you chose to occupy your time. Do it to best that you can be and do it with honor.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Your Opinions Can Be Hateful

According to this great country we have the right to free speech. We have a right to our opinion and the right to express it. However morally how far can one go, knowing that it's hurtful and mean spirited.

My mom raised me with the good values of not to say something if it could cause someone pain. Many times in my life I've bit my tongue. I thought to myself.... boy, that is seriously some dumb shit. However it's not hurting anyone, and they seem to enjoy it. Things like putting and dog nose and tongue on your pretty face is annoying. Personally I think some of those pictures make people look demonic. Not funny, not silly, just plain stupid. Shoving you religious and political views down my throat every time I turn around. Shoving your life style in my face simply cause everyone needs to know how repressed you where like 100 years ago. Get over yourselves....everyone.

I guess due to the fact that I've talked with such a wide diversity of people from playing my game World of Warcraft that I've learn that expressing my feelings should not over step someone feelings. Thanks to something as silly as a game, I've met people from all over the country. I've talked with people from all over the world. A good chunk of them have landed right on my facebook friends list. Some of them are Christians, Atheist, Wiccans, Witnesses. There are Blacks, Whites, Asians, and some Indian. I have to say I have all the colors of the rainbow.... segue into...Gays, Straight, Bi, and I've pretty sure someone somewhere could be a Transgender.

Now obviously I may not share the same values, opinions, and thoughts as ALL of my friends. I however value All of there feelings. Sure we may post different memes about different political platforms, or weather Chevy is better then Ford. Lately it seems that people have this need now to express there dislike of a new game. It seems that because there are people who can't play the game smart, the rest of us have to suffer under ridicule from others. Or because parents are too busy being into themselves that they can't take the time to monitor their children.

I personally think that expressing so much hate is such a mean selfish thing to do. Maybe their inner child has died and they feel the need to kill off everyone else. To make people feel belittled cause they choose to play a game is just mean. Just because you say it's not hateful, doesn't mean that it's not. It pretty much just being a bully to go around making fun of people cause they are having fun. How would people feel if I made fun of them cause they enjoy kissing in public and posting pics about it. If I walked about saying that your hobbies and life style where stupid. How about I make fun of people to post about feeling ugly and how they need to find an other half. Maybe I should pick on people who post about distorting their face to look demonic. Maybe I should insult the people in my life who hold different values as me, simply cause it's my right to do so.

We have many rights... but honestly do we have the right to hurt others just to get a point across.

Your Opinions Can Be Hateful

According to this great country we have the right to free speech. We have a right to our opinion and the right to express it. However morally how far can one go, knowing that it's hurtful and mean spirited.

My mom raised me with the good values of not to say something if it could cause someone pain. Many times in my life I've bit my tongue. I thought to myself.... boy, that is seriously some dumb shit. However it's not hurting anyone, and they seem to enjoy it. Things like putting and dog nose and tongue on your pretty face is annoying. Personally I think some of those pictures make people look demonic. Not funny, not silly, just plain stupid. Shoving you religious and political views down my throat every time I turn around. Shoving your life style in my face simply cause everyone needs to know how repressed you where like 100 years ago. Get over yourselves....everyone.

I guess due to the fact that I've talked with such a wide diversity of people from playing my game World of Warcraft that I've learn that expressing my feelings should not over step someone feelings. Thanks to something as silly as a game, I've met people from all over the country. I've talked with people from all over the world. A good chunk of them have landed right on my facebook friends list. Some of them are Christians, Atheist, Wiccans, Witnesses. There are Blacks, Whites, Asians, and some Indian. I have to say I have all the colors of the rainbow.... segue into...Gays, Straight, Bi, and I've pretty sure someone somewhere could be a Transgender.

Now obviously I may not share the same values, opinions, and thoughts as ALL of my friends. I however value All of there feelings. Sure we may post different memes about different political platforms, or weather Chevy is better then Ford. Lately it seems that people have this need now to express there dislike of a new game. It seems that because there are people who can't play the game smart, the rest of us have to suffer under ridicule from others. Or because parents are too busy being into themselves that they can't take the time to monitor their children.

I personally think that expressing so much hate is such a mean selfish thing to do. Maybe their inner child has died and they feel the need to kill off everyone else. To make people feel belittled cause they choose to play a game is just mean. Just because you say it's not hateful, doesn't mean that it's not. It pretty much just being a bully to go around making fun of people cause they are having fun. How would people feel if I made fun of them cause they enjoy kissing in public and posting pics about it. If I walked about saying that your hobbies and life style where stupid. How about I make fun of people to post about feeling ugly and how they need to find an other half. Maybe I should pick on people who post about distorting their face to look demonic. Maybe I should insult the people in my life who hold different values as me, simply cause it's my right to do so.

We have many rights... but honestly do we have the right to hurt others just to get a point across.