Wednesday, August 3, 2016

First Room Redecorating

More and more things keeps getting better.

I finally feel like I'm making real progress on my first room re-decoration. All the walls & ceilings had to be patched & joint compounded with 3 layers. I may have inhaled about 3 pounds of dust from everything. After all that, I primer everything with Killz oil base. Wasn't too sure about how old the paint was, so I'm not taking any chances with it being lead base.

Now most people would just have been happy with painting the walls, ceiling, trim and moved on with life. Well... I did paint the ceiling and trim white. I painted the walls a very pale blue, & then went over the baseboards and door trim with bright white enamel paint. This helps with keeping clean, plus it seems to give it fresher look.

On one wall that had a cut out I painted in a box and added shelves to hold my son's things. Plus there is plenty of room for his dog's kennel at the bottom. On another wall I decided to paint strips. Just because I thought that it would be an added point of interest. It's nothing too fancy, but just a step above boring.

Now that is left is the new windows, that should be coming in next week and finish adding in the pictures, new futon, floor rug and curtains Later down the road all the hardwood floors will have to be refurbished. But, that is a project for a later time.

As my first project is getting closer to being completed, I'm finding out how much I've missed being a home owner. For way too long I've been throwing away my money paying rent. When in the end there is nothing to show for it. No way to get any of your hard earned money back. It finally feels good to invest my time, money, and energy into something that will in the long run pay off. Even if for some reason I never sell, then the work I do here will be mine for as long as keep it.

I've had such a huge out pore of support from my friends, family and loved ones. They really have encouraged me to let me know how well my work was. There where times I would be discouraged, but someone was always there telling me how great I was doing. All of that meant so much and I love how no matter how far I am from my friends and family, they always seem to be right next to me.

Also... this is Leo. My awesome boyfriend saved him from the highway off ramp. I know you are suppose to just take him across the street, but the traffic was too much. Luckily I have a forest behind my house. Lets all wish Leo the best of luck on  his new ventures in the woods. I may never see him again, but I will remember him fondly. Especially that part where he peed on me in the car LMAO