Tuesday, December 6, 2016

It's been a bit of time since I've posted about how I came to be where I am.
So, lets play a game of "actual true facts about Kim".

Some people may think that I've been a southern girl my whole life. Honestly,  I've only lived in the south for less than 20 years give or take. I was actually born in Neptune, New Jersey. Yes folks I'm a born yankee,  and try not to hate me for it. To be honest,  with all the moving I have done in my life, I've never considered myself to any one region.

Age 2 to about 8.  Mom and I lived in Florida, she met Jim (Dad) and then we lived in Birmingham, Washington State. Right around 6th grade we all moved back to Florida,  where I lived for the most part in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I didn't leave Florida till I was about 34 years of age, to come live in Franklin,  North Carolina. A big chunk of my family was here so that was part of my reasoning for coming here. Between the time of then to now, I did live for about 4 years in Indiana, and I only lived in Birmingham Alabama for 3 years. As much as I would have loved to have seen my friend in Mobile AL, I never did get a chance to visit her town, like ever. Learned the hard way that you need to make time for family and friends when you can, cause you may miss the chance. Now I currently live in Valdese, NC where I love. It's close to stores, events, dancing, car shows and I'm still close enough to see my family in Franklin when I want.

I've gotten most of my schooling in Florida where I attended middle and high school (Go SHS Dragons). As a single mom, I worked, raised my son and still got an Associate in Science Degree in Communication Arts. All three of my children were born in Florida and raised in the warm Florida sunshine. The reasoning for my move to NC was to give my children a safer and cleaner life. Gangs, drugs, and violence were escalating every year. I gave up my career and the life I knew to make a better life for my children.

I've always worked hard, there were times that I've gone without eating so my kids could get a full meal. I saved every penny and continued to work as much as I could. The first few years in NC where hard, we lived in a small mobile home. I had just enough to pay for it out right, it wasn't pretty, but I knew we would always have a roof over our heads. I used part of my tax returns to up date it and make it pretty decent home. As kids moved out and/or went to school I tried to find my way in Alabama. I met some awesome people, but it really was not the place for me.

Here I am in Valdese,  NC and I'm happier than I've ever been. For a time I lived in a "very affordable" apartment. It wasn't the greatest, but it was nice and enabled me to live on my own. Also it enabled me to afford my first nice car, a PT Cruiser. I had mentioned to my boyfriend that I was looking for a car and he had found that one. I'm not fond of hand outs, so I don't personally accept them, so I make sure I pay for everything that I own. Plus my niece had been renting my house in Franklin, so that also helps out too. Currently I now own another house,  here in my home of Valdese. It's a fixer upper, but I like doing stuff like that. 

My niece and her husband's van had blown the engine and they had lost their only vehicle. Having two children, my great nephew & great niece, whom I love I wanted to make sure they had a reliable car. I remembered that my boyfriend was thinking of selling his Reatta, so asked how much he was interested in getting it for. It was a fair and affordable, so I sold my PT Cruiser to my niece. I paid in advance for the car and for all the parts to repair it. 

Write your story and leave a link, it's fun to get to know new people and how their live has come to be.

P.S. Michael Bassett for President